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Prayer Requests

All requests and intentions will be remembered at Father's daily mass.

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Comments (19)
Mar 06

Please pray for my healing, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, anxiety and cough.

Also pray for healing for Jan, memory and confused mind.

Thank you

Aug 23, 2023

Please heal my aching bones and broken teeth. Please also heal my mum Bridget, body, mind and soul. Please also protect mum and me on any journeys we go on. Thank you.

May 10, 2023

Please pray for myself for healing of a recently fractured knee, along with healing of my eyes (glaucoma and severe dry eye disease). Thank you Jesus, St Lucy and St Raphael.

Mar 06, 2023

Please pray for Tracy a nurse practitioner who works with babies and has been out of work for several months with complications after a simple surgical procedure on her hand. Swelling and circulation aren’t getting better, no explanation, she can’t return to work . Today is her birthday. She is getting discouraged. Please pray for her hand to heal

thank you ❤️‍🩹

Feb 09, 2023

Please pray for my 91 year old mother- in - law Eva who is suffering with shingles

Jan 30, 2023

Please pray for my great nephew Romeo. He has battled cancer this year and we thought he was clear. He is now showing nodules in his abdomen. He is only 5 and he has endured so much this past year. He is in the hospital now awaiting test results but his oncologist is worried that the cancer has outsmarted the chemotherapy. He is truly in need of a miracle. Thank you.

Please pray for Michael who is struggling with physical decline and depression.

Jan 14, 2023

Please pray for Fr Ward. Low energy. Feeling sick after doing his priestly work.

God keep him in your care. Pray for Deacon Celentano as he come to Syracuse for his brother is laws' funeral Monday, 1-16-23. Safe travel.

Jan 14, 2023
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Not again. Praying for Fr. Ward and Msgr Yonnock

Jan 07, 2023

Please pray for Thomas B. that he takes college seriously and gives his best effort.

Please pray for Jesse B. and Tina B. that peace and harmony and unity will enter their hearts and marriage.

Jan 09, 2023
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Prayers going up.

Jan 05, 2023

- Please pray for Elyse, her boyfriend who are involved in the occult (witchcraft) and my grandchildren (unbaptized) who live with them.

- Baptism for all unbaptized. (Madilyn, Freyja, Leif, Soren).

- Faith for Bryan K. and a return to Mass for all family members who've left the Church.

- For healing for all of our Priests who've taken the jab.

- For healing for Fr. Ward.

- Healing for all family members who've taken the jab.

- Restoration of all marriages.

- Healing for Ryan and Johanna's marriage.

-For eyes to be open to what is going on in our world and mankind to hit their knees in repentance!

-For final perseverance in the Faith and all to be united to the Divine Will!

-For ears to be open to hear the voice of the Lord and our Momma!

Please pray for me that I may find a place to live! It seems like every door that I am trying to walk through won't open and I need to be out of where I am immediately!

For John Joseph (S.) for restoration of his true identity as a son and brother and that he may live his purpose, which I believe is to be a warrior for the kingdom of God in these times. Angela will need prayers too. She is afraid of that and has enabled the false identity to continue because of emotional trauma.

Jan 06, 2023
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Oh my! Prayers going up!!

Jan 18, 2023
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Prayers for all of your intentions.

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